TianCheng Optics CO., Ltd.
TianCheng Optics CO., Ltd.

Medical biotechnology is a branch of medicine that uses living cells and cell materials to research and then produce pharmaceutical and diagnosing products. These products help treat and prevent diseases.

Medical Biotechnology implies the application of biotechnology in the field of the healthcare sector. The Healthcare sector is powered by biotechnology companies that always play a major role, be it in developing diagnostic kits, vaccines, biologics, drugs or medical machinery.

Cases of Optical Products in Medical & Biotechnology

Our medical lenses and rod lenses are widely used in endoscopes. Modern medicine is constantly producing new and innovative treatment methods. One of the most important roles of endoscopy as part of this is to provide a functional approach to the relevant organs and the best visualization possible. There continues to be considerable technological, economic, and ergonomic potential in pioneering new approaches in this area. Nowadays, medical lens is becoming more and more important.

Cases of Optical Products in Medical & Biotechnology
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TianCheng Optics CO., Ltd.
Tian Cheng Optics CO.,Ltd
  • Address

    No. 946,Chaoyue street,High-tech zone,Changchun city,Jilin

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